
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Teefurious Updates

MJ is a bastard.

I say this because I've already got two update posts this week, with another I'm sitting on for Friday, and she goes and curates "Roundup," by Travis Gentry (tgentry to you wooters, TGWA if you recall it from Threadless) for tonight's teefury. I feel like I blogged on this eons ago, so I'm not gonna waste time finding it, but it's simply one of my favorite humor concept pieces... the art is well rendered, and the concept makes me laugh every time. But I already had a blog planned for today, and now I have to do two. Even if this one is a quickie. Bastard. But hey, update 16. Can't complain too much there!

As with all teefury shirts, we may see this one again somewhere else, but not at this price. We'll keep you updated if it finds another home, either at another print shop (hopefully) or elsewhere. For now, though, scoop this up in the next 23.5 hours... you may never get the chance again.

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