
Monday, June 22, 2009

Slipping my mind

We at Singularitee would like to apologize heartily for the following mind-slip: Chow Hon Lam and William Chua's "Solar Power" printed. It was part of Threadless' second sale week tee series, and like everything else blog related, I was far too out of it to remember that this epicness was also a contest watch piece. As a result, the shirt stock became decimated. Again, I truly apologize, since this may have cost you some awesomeness.

It came out great, though, with all the mystical Asian beauty that it implied, from two of the best minds in the shirt world. You can tell their calibre easily, as it's both artful and wearable, to the point where it was such a familiar and logical print, I didn't even remember having written it up prior. Funny how that happens. If your size is still in stock, pick it up quick. If not, it is never too late to request a reprint. I bet we'll see this return by the year's end.

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